Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

Are you Amazed?

In preparation for Wednesday Night, I’ve been reading Luke 2:33 where Luke tells us that Joseph and Mary were amazed at all that Simeon was saying about Jesus. At first, I asked Why? Why would they be amazed? They had been told who He was going to be from the beginning – before He was born.  So why were they amazed when Simeon was telling them again basically the same thing? But then I realized that no matter how you look at it, or how many times you hear it – it’s amazing! God’s plan of salvation is amazing because God is amazing! Every time I stop long enough to hear His Word, I am amazed once more at this awesome God who has called me into fellowship with Himself.  I hope you’ll come Wednesday to eat some good food, enjoy some great conversation and to be amazed at God’s Word. He loves you and wants to be with You.

See you soon,
