Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

Is God hearing my prayer?

I was texting with my mom this morning, thanking her for her prayers, and she said at one point, “I had a lot of confessing to do this morning, because I know my sins were a hindrance to God being able to hear me.” After I got to church, I picked up the “Daily Bread” and read a story about a man that refused to pray when asked during a church service because he had argued all the way to church with his wife. He said that his heart was not in any condition to pray.

I imagine that many people today would have trouble with those statements and say that God always hears us. But does He? Does the Bible say anything about our sin affecting the effectiveness of our prayers?  I’m afraid it does.  Psalm 66:18 says in the NIV, “If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened.” And 1 Peter 3:7 commands husbands to live with their wives in an understanding way and to honor them as fellow heirs of the grace of life “so that your prayers may not be hindered.” God is definitely concerned with the state of our hearts when we come to Him in prayer.  He is more than a genie or Santa who just wants to give us what we ask for. He is our Father who loves us and wants the very best for us. The very best for us is that we be forgiven and free of sin because it always destroys.

How badly do you want God to hear your prayers today? Is it worth letting go of any sin that you are “cherishing in your heart?” Is it worth humbly confessing any mistreating of those you are in relationship with – asking forgiveness from them and God? Simple, yes – but not always so easy. But definitely required if we want to live in the arena of answered prayer.

Grace & peace,
