Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

When life hurts…

Sometimes life is so unbearably painful and at the same time when we turn to Jesus, His words are so hard to hear.  We have been hurt grievously and feel like we are justified in nursing our pain and being angry at the one who caused it, and Jesus says, “Forgive.” Or maybe we’ve managed by His grace to forgive, but the person is in need of something from us and we think we have every right to deny them and Jesus says, “Love” and “Give.”

How in the world are we supposed to do that? We do it for Jesus. We do it because “the love of Christ controls us.” We do it because “He died for us and therefore we will no longer live for ourselves but for Him.” We do it because He loved us enough to lay down His life for us, so we will lay down our lives – our rights and our desires – for others, whoever that may be and whatever they have done.

Yes, it is impossible for us, but all things are possible with God. His grace is sufficient for me and you. Wait upon Him and be filled with His Spirit of love. He has forgiven, loved and given to us. May we be like Him and do the same for those who are indebted to us.

Take time today to let Him remind you of His love and then let His love control you by living for Him.

Because of Jesus,
