Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

Do you know where your Bible is?

Driving to the church this morning I was listening to Christian radio and Tony Evans was preaching on prayer, saying that unless our prayer life is based on the knowledge of God that comes from the Word of God, we are chattering mindlessly. Those weren’t his exact words but his meaning was clear. If we don’t know the Word of God, if we are not studying and learning who God is and how He wants us to live from His revelation of Himself – the Bible, then we will not be able to pray effectively. We must pray according to God’s will if we want to see God move in a mighty way in our lives, and in order to do that we must know Him.

Do you know Him? Do you know what He’s like according to Him? Do you know what He has promised He will do? The Word of God is truth – it is God’s revelation of Himself to us so that we might know and understand Him – that He is “The Lord who exercises justice, righteous and lovingkindness throughout the earth for He delights in these things.”

Decide to order your life today in such a way that the Word of God takes a prominent position. If at all possible, come to church on Sunday to hear the preaching of the Word, come to church on Wednesdays to hear the teaching of the Word, join or start a small group where you study the Word and meditate daily on the Word so that you will know Him – the only true God and Jesus Christ whom He has sent.

May God bless you as you seek Him in His Word,
