Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

Love is not irritable…

I was reading an article this morning entitled, “Love and Conduct” by George Sweeting, based on the definition of love found in 1 Corinthians 13. I would love to share the entire article with you because it all spoke to me, but there was one point as I was reading where I thought, “Whoa! Ouch!” It’s when he gets to the “Love is not irritable” section in verse 5 and says “the center of irritability is self.” I thought the center of irritability was hormones. LOL.

Seriously, he goes on to say, “The test of your spirituality is not measured at the Sunday worship service, but at home when your son kicks his pajamas under the bed instead of placing them in the hamper, or when the coats are hung on the floor instead of in the closet. The validity of faith is not discovered at the Lord’s Table on Sunday, but at the breakfast table on Monday. We entertain the stranger with smiles, while our loved ones are hurt by neglect and familiarity.” He says “The toughest place for love is at home.” I would add, “and for some in your car.”

There is a story about Jonathan Edwards, one of America’s great preachers, that says that he would not allow a young man to marry his daughter who had an “ungovernable temper.” When pressed by the young man for an answer as to why, Edwards responded,“…The grace of God can live with some people with whom no one else could ever live!”

Are you irritable to live with? Do you allow yourself to let down your gracious attitude towards those you live with, reserving it for strangers, acquaintances, and friends? That is not love. God says love is not irritable.

I truly believe some people have a “more difficult car to drive” when it comes to irritability. Some people due to brain chemistry and hormones just generally feel more irritable than others. But God doesn’t give us a pass, because His grace is sufficient for whatever our “thorns” may be. May we look to Him today for all of our needs and if we struggle with being irritable, let’s ask Him to fill us when a greater experience of His love for us and others – especially those we live with.

Praying for more love,
