Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

Grieving the Holy Spirit

Years ago when I was in the midst of heart wrenching grief, I read C.S. Lewis’ words, “I never knew grief felt so much like fear,” and immediately identified with his statement. That was exactly the feeling I was having – full blown fear! From a multitude of butterflies in the stomach to nauseating anxiety that I would not be able to make it one more minute.

Recently, I was thinking about the fact that grief feels a lot like fear and wondered if it applied to the Holy Spirit. We live in a world where everyone is anxious – everywhere. Even in the church. Jesus said He gives us His peace and yet so many Christians are racked by fear and anxiety on a daily basis. Now, I am well aware that anxiety can be caused by hormonal or chemical imbalances, but hang with me for a minute – if grief really does feel like fear and I am a Christian filled with the Holy Spirit, then if I am doing something that is grieving Him, would it perhaps feel like fear in me?

It’s just a thought – but one that I believe was prompted by the Holy Spirit in me. It’s worth checking out anytime we find ourselves anxious by asking, “Is there something in my life that I know is grieving the Holy Spirit?” Repent of it and see if the peace of Christ comes in. It’s been true for me on occasion, and there is nothing that is worth sacrificing the peace that Jesus gives. Nothing.

Because of Jesus,
