Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

Be Still and Know…

Psalm 46:10 tells us to “Be still and know that I am God.” One of my favorite translations puts it this way, “Cease striving and know…”

Jesus told Mary, the sister of Martha, that she had”chosen the good part that would not be taken away from her” when she chose to sit and listen to Jesus instead of frantically serve with her sister.

I believe with all my heart that God wants to do a work in our hearts – or better yet – He just wants to be with us, but we are too busy for Him. We are distracted – constantly.

Can I share with you what I am learning? I am not smart enough to fix the problems and the people in my life – heck – I can’t even fix myself. I am not strong enough to burn the candle at both ends without burning out. I am not wise enough to know what everyone else should be doing. I am not good enough to always do right much less make everyone else right. And I was not created to be constantly looking at a cellphone or ipad or television. I was created for God – to glorify Him and to fellowship with Him. The best way I can do that is by being still and letting Him be God. It feels so right to be still in His presence.

“Be still and know that I am God.” I’m so thankful for that command. I can know I am being fully obedient to the Creator of the Universe when I turn off all technology and just sit still and know that He’s in control. I love Him.

He loves you,
