Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

Thoughts on the election

Now that the dust has settled on one of the most contentious election seasons – at least in my lifetime, I wanted to share a few thoughts as a political outsider. I have heard comments and read multi-media where both sides are continuing to throw insults and accusations at one another. There are many hurting unbelievers. Whether it’s warranted or not. Millions are heartbroken over the election results. They have put their hope in Hillary Clinton, and here they are with their hopes shattered. Many are scared because of the color of their skin. I get that so many of them are being lied to by the media, but that doesn’t change the fact that they are actually hurting. Many unbelievers anchored their hope in Donald Trump, and are excited for what’s to come. They have put their trust in a government that will listen to their voice, will get rid of the bureaucracy that they blame for causing such misery in their lives. The problem for both sides is that instead of listening, we are shouting. Both side are our mission field. Both sides need to know Jesus.

Jesus promised in Matthew 5:9 that the peacemakers would be blessed. James says that the wisdom that comes from above is peaceable. Real change is going to start with us, with Christ followers who are willing to endure awkward – and sometimes painful conversations, and love on people who don’t look or talk like we do.

Christianity has more to offer America than our political groups wrestling for control of a divided nation. Instead, we should point to our churches and proclaim a better way that is possible in Jesus Christ.

In my humble opinion
