Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

Dangerous and Bold Prayers – part 4

See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. Psalm 139: 24

In Psalm 139, David asks God to look at four specific areas in his life. The first area was his heart. Second, David prays that God would reveal his fears, his anxious thoughts. Third, David asks God to reveal his sins. David ends his bold and dangerous prayer by asking God to lead him. What does it mean to be led by God?

 I recently came across a book put out by a popular television minister that shows what God has promised to do for you. While I agree that many times we underestimate the love that God has for us, what these books and sermons leave out is why Christ died for us – our sin. God doesn’t exist to bless and serve us, we exist to honor and glorify Him.

 You see, in the early years, we often get the big things out of the way; God sent His Son for us so we could live with Him eternally. Then we walk with Jesus, and, suddenly, it’s the little things, the hard issues that He reveals to us. This is to point us to our need for Christ daily. “Jesus, I need your help. Jesus, I need your power. Jesus, I need your grace. Jesus, I need your freedom.” Our identity must be completely in Him. We must follow Him and submit to His leading. Are there areas in your life where you are “in charge” and God is the co-pilot? I encourage you to give yourself over to God and allow Him to lead you in the way everlasting.