Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

Preparing for Easter – part 5

It is finished!” And He bowed His head and gave up His spirit. John 19:30b

Today is Good Friday. This is the day that Jesus was crucified on the cross. Read Luke 22:47-23:48 and John 19:1-37. These passages show the road that Jesus took to the cross. From the betrayal by one of His own, the beatings, scourging and shame He endured, the mockery of a trial by the Jewish leaders, Pilate and Herod, His agony on the cross, Jesus poured out His perfect love for us. Spend time reflecting on Jesus’ sacrifice and in prayer.

 Between two criminals, the Savior of the world is raised up and crucified. I think of the first thief; unrepentant, mocking much like the world today. Irreverent and concerned only with their own predicament – blaming others. How many of us are like him?

 The second thief is repentant. He recognizes that he is fallen and is responsible for the evil he has done. As he is dying he seeks forgiveness from Jesus. We are all fallen. We are all sinners. We need to be like the second thief and seek the love, grace and forgiveness that only Jesus can give. Let today be the day that you seek Him with your whole heart.