Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

Living by Faith

For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, “The righteous shall live by faith.” Romans 1:17

Have you ever looked at a passage in the Bible and thought to yourself that it really doesn’t apply to you? If we are honest, I believe that we can read anything in the Bible and convince ourselves that it’s not talking to me, it doesn’t apply, I’m exempt. We convince ourselves that our situation is different, God understands why I keep doing this, God wants me happy and I like this so He doesn’t mind. That part of the Bible doesn’t apply because things are different now.

 This way of thinking is prevalent in our society today. Excuses and reasons are given for any behavior we are involved in. It’s like being pulled over for speeding and then arguing that everyone else was doing it. What we need to understand is that God doesn’t change. His law doesn’t change and except for the mercy and grace of Jesus, we are all guilty. When we become Christ followers, we need to keep obedience in mind.

 Obedience can’t be sustained in our own power. If we try and do it on our own, it will create a conflict with God. We will continue to fight a losing battle and Jesus didn’t die on the cross to engage in a constant battle with us. If we spend more time in God’s word; if we learn to be still and listen for His leading; if we turn to Him in prayer, God will begin to work His righteousness in us. This doesn’t happen overnight. This is a lifelong process of growth. We have to start where we are and trust Jesus. When we submit to Him out of our deep love for Him, then we can know the peace of God and begin to live in faith.