Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

See You Tomorrow…

This has been a wonderful – and exhausting week at Three Point. Our VBS was a great success. I would like to thank Renee and all of the volunteers that gave their time and energy to the kids all week. This Sunday you will get to see the kids in action as we experience first-hand what God is doing with our children.

Also, the Youth got back from their retreat, Generate. The students learned about living with Jesus in their lives. I have heard the buzz from many of the youth what a wonderful experience they had. Leo will baptize two of our students this Sunday, Destiny and Cole.

And, Edwin Soto will be bringing a powerful message Sunday. Edwin is the father of Naomi (she sings on the praise team) and has been in the ministry for over 28 years. He has been a teacher of the Bible and has preached in Mexico, Puerto Rico and in many cities across the US. Edwin and his family have been attending Three Point for over a year. I am excited to hear his message and I encourage you to invite your friends and family to be a part of our Sunday service.

In other news, we have received proofs of the engineering plans for the parking lot and will be accepting bids very soon (Yeah!) We are also, close to having our classrooms completed. I’m excited to see what God is doing at and through our church. See you tomorrow.