Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples


We are in a series from 1 Peter and we are looking at how God has called us to be different, to be holy. Jesus lived His earthly life interacting and ministering to the world – but He was definitely different! God has called us to do the same. We are to engage with the culture but live differently. Peter calls it living as foreigners, exiles or strangers. He reminds us that this world is not our home and it should not define us.

The Bible is clear that we will go through many trials while here on earth. These trials, as Peter reminds us, is to prove that our faith is genuine. James tells us that the testing of our faith produces perseverance, maturing us and making us complete. Are you facing a trial right now? How can you begin to trust God with it? Why do you think God doesn’t miraculously keep you from experiencing any trials? When going through trials, we can display different types of faith.

Inherited faith is faith we get through someone else. We see God as the God of our parents, not real to me. Shallow faith is faith that doesn’t have deep roots. In other words, we are strong for a bit but then we lose interest and get caught up in the world and its problems. Conditional faith is faith that says as long as God does what I want or expect then I will follow. But, if He doesn’t answer my prayers or requests then I am out of here. We probably have seen these types of faith in people around us. Genuine faith is faith that perseveres, it lasts and reveals our faith and draws us closer to God.

Think of a time when a trial revealed your faith. What kind of faith did it reveal: inherited faith, shallow faith, conditional faith, or genuine faith? Have you experienced a trial that drew you closer to God? What caused you to move closer to God instead of moving away from Him?

I love you guys and can’t wait to start Onward. See you Wednesday and Sunday.