Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

Prayer for our Children and Teens

As the summer is coming to a close and our children are going back to school and graduates are thinking of college or jobs, let’s keep them in our thoughts and prayers.  Many times, in the adolescent and teen years, are when serious decisions concerning salvation and life plans which are being made and developed.

We are so blessed to have Leo and Courtney Chancey leading the Youth Group.  Hearts and minds were spiritually touched while they were at the Celebrate 2018 retreat. You never know when you pray for a young person, if you might be one of the few who is praying for them.  These are precious young people who mean so much to us and whom Jesus loved so dearly that He sacrificed His life for them.  We pray that their lives will make a difference for good in this world and be used for the Kingdom of God.