Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

Recent Note from Gary Beach, Missionary to UK

Hi Brenda,

It is always encouraging to hear that you are praying for us. This has been a particularly busy and stressful but profitable year here at North Cotes college for us. In reflection, we have seen the Lord undertake in amazing ways in answer to the prayers of people like yourselves. Thanks for praying.

The new term is underway with 59 eager students. It is always exciting to see who the Lord brings to us each year. From the testimonies that I have heard and the ones I have begun to get acquainted with a bit, this promises to be a good year. Pray for us, along with all the staff that we would clearly represent the Saviour as we endeavour to lead them into a deeper relationship with Him. It is a great privilege to work with young people who are so eager to grow in their walk with Christ, who want their lives to count for Him.

Our current student body is made up of 11 different nationalities, with the women greatly outnumbering the men this year. For example in the singles dorm there are 29 single ladies and only 8 single men. It will be interesting to see if this is a one off or the beginning of a trend.

We have the blessing of our son, Chad with his wife Sarah and their three children visiting at the moment for a couple of weeks. As you can imagine, we are loving having them with us. If there is any sacrifice associated with this ministry, it is that we don’t see our family nearly enough. We make the most of these times. Our Daughter and family that live in Germany will be coming to us for Christmas as well.

There is the possibility that I will be making another trip to Ivory Coast this next June. It would be to continue to help finish the church that we went out and put the roof on in 2017. The church has been a blessing in ways that we never imagined to the believers there amongst the Palaka people. It is in constant use, even though it is just a shell. We will most probably concentrate our effort in getting the floor concreted. We are in the early stages of planning so please pray for God’s clear direction and His provision for everything that we will need. I’ll keep you updated as things develop.

Please pass along our greetings to all those at Three Point.


Gary Beach