Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

Where your treasure is…

….there will your heart be also.  Luke 12:31

As of late, we have been bombarded in this country with hurricanes, tornadoes, floods and fires.  People have lost their homes, their possessions, and, yes, their very own lives.

Recently in our group’s Micah 6:8 project, due to the generosity of our church members, we have been able to send to Wilmington, NC over 70 toiletry bags.  And it has been a blessing to participate in this endeavor.

But I think about the many who have lost their lives due to the unexpected events that have assailed them.  How many were spiritually prepared to meet Jesus?  Eternity is a long, long time.  In our 40 Days In The Word last week, we focused on the Rich Young Ruler and about taking up our cross and following Jesus.  How willing are we to deny ourselves things of this world and to put doing the will of the Father first?  It has certainly made me think about my own life and what I am making my priorities.

What do I consider treasures?  Expensive jewelry, fine cars, mansions?  Or do I truly value the worth of even one soul?

This study has made me evaluate my own life and to more seriously realize how fragile life truly is.  How about you?