Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

FIres, Floods, Hurricanes,Tornadoes, and Earthquakes

Being blessed to live in Atlanta, GA, we haven’t had to experience too much of the drastic weather listed above.  But, if you read the newspaper, watch the news on TV or computer, you have seen and heard the trauma that our brothers and sisters across our nation have experienced.

We, as a church, have sent toiletry bags to a church in Wilmington to help the Hurricane Florence and Hurricane Michael victims.  Many of you dug deep in your pockets and gave sacrificially (we received almost $500) and we are so thankful.  We got a letter of gratitude for the contribution you made.  But now California is suffering from the powerful and tragic fires which have killed at least 100 people and many more are missing.  And for those who have survived, most come back to see their homes and dreams in ashes.  I can’t even imagine how that feels.

I’m writing this to plead with you to pray for all involved: the pilots who are dropping flame retardant onto the raging flames, the firemen who keep on fighting long after they are experiencing exhaustion like most of us have never known, the home owners who made it out alive, leaving all their valuables behind, and the families who have lost relatives in the fire, and most who have lost all their material possessions: their homes, their cars, their businesses, and sometimes their beloved pets.

Our prayers bring comfort and hope to many who have none.  They bring God close to these precious people who are hurt, grieving, confused and hopeless.  One prayer moves God to places we can’t go and does for them what we cannot do.
