Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

Letter from the Beach’s in North Cotes, U.K.

We just want to say what a blessing you are to us…and to thank you for your prayers!  Thank YOU for sharing in this ministry as you do…through your love and encouragement…whether it be through emails, letters,  cards or finances.  We are so grateful to the Lord for you. 

Thank you for helping us to help prepare these future missionaries…that they may be equipped to take the wonderful Gospel message to more as yet unreached people groups around the world.  It is a privilege!  It is an honor to see God at work in these young lives; see them blossom spiritually and take up the challenge of reaching others for Christ.

 A fewspecial prayer requests:

We are short staffed this term.  One staff member is struggling with cancer; another had a bad fall and while in the hospital, they discovered a non-malignant brain tumor that must be removed.

Also, a student had to go home to Germany because she learned her brother had died suddenly.  This was a terrible, heartbreaking shock.  Please pray for this young lady.

Pray for everyone affected by these things, for comfort, healing, both physical and emotional strength, direction and wisdom.

Thanking Him for YOU,

Gary and Donna