Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

Christmas Greetings Received From Gary & Donna Beach

A Blessed and Merry Christmas from us… to you!

We hope you have a wonderful and meaningful day… surrounded by those you love… celebrating HIS Birth… which was God Himself… coming down to man… so He could give us the  greatest gift of sacrificial Love to all!! He came to die, that we might live. How precious the reality! We praise Him that we know this Gospel message and continue to PRAY for opportunities to share boldly with those who do not, that they also might know and hear this life-giving message of HOPE!’ May our lives be glorifying to Him, in whatever task He gives us!

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.” ~1 Cor. 15:58

It is such a privilege to worship Him! Our hearts are humbled and full of thankfulness for His tremendous faithfulness, as we reflect over the past year and step forward into the new one.

“No one knows what this next year will bring, but one thing is sure.  God will be with us, and He is enough for every difficulty that may arise.  So let us be of good cheer and go on our way rejoicing.”  (Amy Carmichael)

May the good Lord Bless you and encourage your heart today… and in the New Year 2019!

Because Of HIM… and With much Love,

Gary & Donna JJ