Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

Update & Prayer Requests from Gary & Donna Beach In the UK

Thanks for your faithfulness to keep in touch and to pray for us faithfully. Here are some things you can be praying with us about.

Marie, the wife of our finance office director, died January 1st of cancer, almost a year to the day of being diagnosed with the disease. She taught language related courses to the missions course students. She will be greatly missed. Pray for Kevin, her husband and the three children, only the youngest still at home, as they cope with this loss.

Pray also for Jack Douglas, who just 10 days ago lost his wife, Isa to cancer. Jack and Isa served as missionaries to Papua New Guinea for many years. They worked with the Pawaia people group, being the first to ever preach the gospel among them. They learned the language, evangelized, translated the new testament and portions of the old, taught the people to read in their own language and trained church leaders. There is now a thriving church amongst the Pawaia, thanks to their faithful service. In their retirement they have been an invaluable part of the training course here, as they  offer their first-hand experience of seeing a work  from the very beginning all the way through to the time, when as far as  the missionary is concerned, he is no longer needed.  I'm sure Jack would appreciate our prayer as he carries on in these difficult days.

As you can imagine, these are difficult days for our staff team here at the college.

Donna is having quite a difficult spell with her back lately. This begins the third week of severe pain. She has used her full repertoire of remedies, so far without success. Pray that it settles down soon.

As the new year gets underway, I am beginning to look ahead to the trip to Ivory Coast, coming up this June, and prepare for that. Pray for the finances for the project as well as the cost of getting there and back. Pray that we will be able to find, in Ivory Coast, to borrow or rent, the equipment that we will need for the job of pouring a concrete floor in the Palaka church building. More request will be forthcoming as our plans develop.

I just finished the Off Grid Tech course that I teach each year to the missions students. The positive feedback from the students indicates that it went quite well.

Pray that our day to day interaction with the students, would be a help and encouragement to them as we seek to cooperate with God as He prepares them for His service.


Gary and Donna