Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

Update – Keith Penny, Missionary to Honduras

Matthew 4:19 King James Version (KJV)

“And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”

Once again, The Lord opened a door to bring the good news that is Christ Is Risen! Located on a dead end dirt road, we visited this alcohol and drug rehab facility, Los Misioneros En La Calle (Missionaries In the Street), in Tegucigalpa and administered by Pastor Juan Romano. Don’t confuse such a facility here with those in the U.S. Funds are very scarce to provide even the basics of that which would be expected from those in the states. Regardless, yesterday we were operating with the greatest resource known, God Himself through His Word and the presence of the Holy Spirit. Pastor Carlos preached a powerful message and Brother Daniel and I shared testimonies. A total of 10 men professed faith yesterday and bibles were distributed to all that were present. We will be returning but next time with food and gifts. Pastor Juan said the men are in desperate need of some basic items such as soap and toothpaste and toothbrushes. That, we can do by the provisioning of the Lord. Over and over again I am enabled to go into the streets and minister with the Gospel and provide food and supplies to the impoverished because of your support. I thank you for that support, and I praise God for the privilege to be here serving in the name of our Lord Jesus.