Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

Prodigal Too – God Still Loves & Forgives

For those of us who attended the recent play “Prodigal Too” written by Sandra DeVane, and our members who acted in it, we were indeed moved and blessed, both by the story itself adapted from the story in Luke, and the excellent job done by the actors who participated in the play.

I know there were many practices, time spent learning lines, props created, etc. Everyone who had a part was believable, and, I’m sure, all who attended felt like it was time well spent. Even the music between scenes seemed to carry us seamlessly into the next.

There were many “lessons” I walked away with: Even though you love your child, sometimes trusting them with a large sum of money without supervision may not be the best thing for them; no matter what mistakes your child makes, you need to let them know that you will never stop loving them; the child that causes few problems and is always trying to please you needs your love and attention too; the most important qualities you need to model for your children is unconditional love and forgiveness. The parents played by Paul Cook and Sandra DeVane certainly got that message across to the audience.

I know this play left a lasting impression on me, and I’m sure for everyone who saw it. Many thanks for those who worked so hard, both in the scenes and behind the scenes. I feel blessed to be a part of such a caring and involved church.

Brenda Allen