Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

Jonah’s Prayer

This week we quickly looked at Jonah’s prayer in Chapter two. Remember, he was fleeing from God, however God had other plans for Jonah! After being thrown into the sea, Jonah was swallowed by a huge fish. I know for some this may sound like a fish story – something impossible, yet I’ve discovered over my many years that God often works in the impossible.

In reading through his prayer, I see some things that we often do. For example, Jonah doesn’t cry out to God until he was desperate. Prayer was Jonah’s last resort. I believe that many of us wait until our situation is dire before we feel that we need God. Imagine if Jonah would have been talking with God before trying to take care of things himself. He might have saved himself some huge trouble.

Why is prayer often our last resort? What would make your prayer life more meaningful?  What level of distress do you have to reach before you cry out to God? For many of us, we often wait until we become fish bait before we reach out to God.

Another thing I’ve learned is that God can deliver people of anything, in any way, and at any time. But He often does it in phases. For Jonah it was a storm and a fish that brought Jonah into God’s will. Jesus said that in this world we would have – not might have – would have troubles. I believe we experience things to draw on God as our source of power, our comfort, our provider. Think about where you are right now. Are you experiencing a phase in your life that you feel overwhelmed? I would encourage you to look to God for answers. Don’t let our enemy keep us in the valley of stress and worry.   

A third thought; verse eight talks about worthless idols that we cling to, thereby forfeiting the grace that could be ours. What are some worthless idols you may be clinging to instead of putting your hope in God? Image, money, materialism, children? All of these can quickly and easily become the main things in our lives. God is continuing to pursue us with His lovingkindness (the Hebrew word is Chesed.) My prayer is that we would all give up whatever these idols are and bask in God’s love and grace.

One last thought; “Salvation comes from the Lord!” Imagine for a moment that you were in Jonah’s sandals (or in the fish). How would your deliverance by God change you? You would think that having such an outstanding display of God’s power, you would be changed forever (we’ll have to wait until Chapter Four to see…). What are you currently going through that causes you to feel helpless, hopeless or powerless?  Are you experiencing your own Sheol? It’s sad but many of us often return to our old ways once the danger is past. We thank God for the rescue but then we are quick to forget. Prayer should not be about getting God to do what we want. Instead, effective prayer is our coming into agreement with what He wants. Seek the Lord in the midst of this and ask Him to bring you to a deeper surrender, trust and dependence on Him.