Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples


I’ve attended many revivals in my lifetime. Some made a lasting impression on me, and unfortunately, most did not. Is that the fault of the one leading the revival or me? I’d say some of both although looking back, I have to say that more of the blame could be laid at my feet.

You might ask me why I would say that. The answer is that I usually contributed little to the revival itself. And, no, I don’t mean financial contributions.

I guess I expected some evangelist to come in and “wow” us with his bible knowledge, persuasive technique, charisma, etc. I thought revival meant great numbers of people getting saved, giving their lives to Christ. And this can definitely be a by-product.

But my main failure was lack of fervent, effectual, heartfelt prayer. In my studies, I have come to understand that the great, lasting, life-changing, revivals began with prayer, sometimes with one person fully committed to constant prayer, and others with all the people of the church praying. And, I believe, the prayers that causes God to move in a miraculous way, are the humble, life surrendering, prayers of the people praying: “Lord, change me, purify my heart, remove all selfish motives. We’re hungry and thirsty for the Bread of Life and the Living Water. Whatever it takes, Jesus, I’m willing to yield to you.”

Our revival is in September, but all of us in the prayer group have been praying for weeks. Won’t you join us? We are praying, as the hymn goes, “Lord, send a revival and let it begin in me”.
