Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

Leaving On a Jet Plane…

Tomorrow I will fly to Ecuador with Dave and Edwin. We will be spending time in orphanages, prisons, churches, and homes. We are heading toward something good and worthy—but also into unknown obstacles, detours, deprivations, dangers—I guess this makes it an adventure.

I believe the unknown is important. There is a mystery. What does God have planned and am I willing to forego any ideas I have to be open to His leading? We forgo “comfortable” and “secure.” We welcome discomfort and danger. We turn over control—all toward a far off, good and worthy goal. We put ourselves, quite literally, in the hands of God. On these adventures, we allow him to teach and shape us, awaken and recharge us.

I was reading in Matthew this morning and I believe Jesus’ road to the cross was the ultimate adventure. He began a journey and mission for our redemption and to introduce God’s Kingdom to us. He faced obstacles, detours, deprivations, and dangers. He placed His faith in God’s ultimate plan. I pray that this “adventure” will draw us closer to His will and allow us to be more Christlike as we follow His leading.