Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

Hearing From God

I am the good shepherd . . . My sheep hear My voiceJohn 10:11, 27

God has had direct, personal relationships with a lot of people . . . Abraham, Sarah, Moses, Gideon, David, Mary, Joseph, Paul, etc. What about you and me, though?

Many of us might think that those people were special, different from us. And so, we might decide that God probably wants a different type of relationship with us—more indirect, impersonal. We think… go to church, read the Bible a bit, get on with our lives, stuff like that. However, that means God’s plan in bringing us stories of these people was to simply demonstrate something unattainable. I mean, “I’ll never be like those Biblical giants!” We’d look at them and wonder why he created us so . . . un-special.

Should we believe that? Or, could he have, through these stories, been showing us his heart, his Father’s heart? Could it be that he wanted direct, personal relationships with Abraham, Moses, and an incalculable number of people since, and that he wants that kind of relationship with you and me too, right now?

In Scripture, he spoke with his own audible voice; through dreams and visions; through others, such as angels and human beings – He even used a donkey! And, He speaks directly into our thoughts, using his “still, small voice.” I really believe, and Scripture confirms, that God desires a personal relationship with each of us.

Yesterday, we were reminded that God is a really BIG GOD! He is in your corner and loves you. If you are a Christ follower, He is even more, He is our Father. He loves us, protects us, and secures us. He knows what we need before we even ask. When we often get overwhelmed by worries and fears, we forget how overwhelming God is.

I pray that you would just be still and listen for His voice. Begin to open your mind and your heart. God wants to speak to you—directly to you. You are His child.