Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples


The Rev. Tom Atkins, General Evangelist North Georgia Conference, represents a new generation of evangelists by seeking to bring the timeless truths and experiences of the Gospel to our contemporary culture.

After many years in struggling with a call into full time evangelism, Tom was appointed as a General Evangelist from the North Georgia Conference in 1994. He pastored United Methodist churches in North Georgia for 23 years before being appointed as a General Evangelist. Since then, he has preached in 30 annual conferences in the US.

Tom will come to any church regardless of size for a love offering plus expenses.

Renewal, Refreshment Revival for Today’s Church

Tom’s Testimony:

My purpose in accepting the Lord’s Call to service as an evangelist is to teach and preach a clear and concise Gospel, so that those who hear will respond positively to the call of Christ.

I believe in the Church and it is my desire to see that the body of Christ is renewed in spirit, refreshed in faith, and revived in power. That will only happen as we allow the Holy Spirit an opportunity to work in our lives.

It is my desire to be sensitive to the Spirit and to each unique place where I preach and teach, making each opportunity special.

I also believe that I have been called to help empower the laity for evangelism.