Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

Deeper Prayer

Before I became a staff member and started working part time here at the church, I’m ashamed to say I never entered our beautiful prayer room. I knew it was there, but I guess my excuse was that I was too busy to spend any time exploring the interior of the prayer room. That I say with deep regret.

Don’t misunderstand, I uttered a quick prayer in the mornings when I had my quiet day every day and usually fell asleep praying at night. But I look back on it and that was like giving a server a small tip when I left the restaurant. I felt like I had to do something, but was satisfied with what I did. I look back on that with deep remorse and shame.

I am happy to say I spend time praying either in the prayer room, at the altar in the sanctuary or at home every day now. I know this pleases God, but I can’t tell you what it has done for me in my relationship with God. Whereas before it was kind of like having a quick date with God, now I feel a deep, life changing oneness of spirit with Him.

My prayers before contained very little times of repentance. Now, I search my heart to see if any thought, word or action is displeasing to Him, if I have offended Him in any way. And, I have no problem with God shining a light on things I used to make excuses for, and I sincerely thank God for His forgiveness and ask Him to cleanse my heart and mind. I believe that humility and sincere sorrow for my sin has brought me closer access to His throne and into His arms.

Another thing that I’ve learned is before I read His Word, I ask God to impress upon my heart an understanding of what I’m about to read and then afterwards, I ask Him to show me where I can apply that to my life. When you ask the Author of the Book to explain what He has written, He is more than happy to do so.

I just wanted to share with you the difference that real, true supplication before God can mean to you. He is our Loving Father who wants to commune with us. What a thought! The creator of the Universe and everything and everyone in it is waiting to hear from us. If you truly want your life to mean more, bring more humble prayers to God. Pray and be still, you will be surprised, if you are patient and wait on Him, what you will hear.