Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

Time of Intimate Prayer

Last night was the beginning of our week of prayer leading up to our revival this coming Sunday and Monday. There was a holy hush as I came in and found a seat.

We began the service with an informal time of praise and worship music which set the mood for teaching and scripture reading by Pastor Paul. In between each one, we had the opportunity to examine our lives, quiet our spirits and open our hearts to hear the voice of God.

Toward the close of the service, we were asked to pray for one another. We gathered in groups of two or three and lifted our requests to God. Some moved from group to group and prayed with several people. Others stood and prayed aloud for not only the revival but others who were ill and needed a touch from God.

If you missed last night, I would encourage you to join us tonight. Revival is born out of a spirit of prayer. If we want God to move and change things for the better in our church and community, we have to sincerely open our hearts first and ask Him to change us.
