Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

Effectual, Fervent Prayer

I had often wondered exactly what this verse in James 5 meant: Confess your faults one to another,  and  pray  one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. I think I overlooked that first sentence and only thought of the last one.

Let’s face it, no one wants to confess our faults or sins to another person. We’ve worked hard to give this persona of righteousness, especially to those of our church family. But that’s what we have been studying about at our week of prayer, examining ourselves in many different areas: selfishness, worldliness, jealousy, placing our own pleasure above pleasing God, and more.

We’ve had times of corporate prayer, individual prayer, and praying in groups.

I’m not a seminary graduate, but I believe confessing our sins to another person can bring healing to our bodies. And if we are transparent and humble enough to do that, we can enter into prayer which will bring about a good effect or answer.

I’m looking forward to tonight, the last night of our week of prayer prior before our revival which begins in the morning service this Sunday, Sept. 15th. I believe God will show up to the degree we truly, deep in our hearts, hunger for Him to.

If you’ve missed the other nights, please consider taking 1 hour of your time from 7 – 8pm tonight to attend. I promise it will be time well spent.