Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

Active Faith

“What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? . . . Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works” James 2:14, 18.

We just finished a study of the Book of James. One of the main themes in this letter is that our faith is demonstrated by our actions. When we, as Christ followers, move boldly in faith it demonstrates—with our actions, with our words, with our thoughts, with our lives—that we trust Jesus. This is the fruit of our belief, that we actually live our lives like we trust him.

For each of us, there comes a time when we have to take action. For some, it may be seeking reconciliation with someone with whom we have had a broken relationship. For some it may be sharing your faith with someone for the first time. For some, it may be returning to God and trusting that His ways are better than ours. Whatever it may be for you, there comes a time when our faith mandates that action and risk are what’s needed. And I have found in my faith journey, that’s when things begin to happen—not because we seek them out, but because we see God move when we live lives that reflect faith.

As I look back on our recent prayer services, our revival services and Bible studies, my prayer is that we will begin to live out our faith in real ways. Our relationship with Jesus is personal, however, He has called us into a body of believers that would impact the world by teaching the truth and serving together as His church.

I would invite you to invest in this calling by getting involved in a Bible study, a small group, a prayer group – hey, you can even start one! God has called us into a wonderful relationship with Him and with fellow believers. How is the fruit of the Gospel being displayed in your life?