Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

September Highlights

September was a wonderful month for our church in many ways. Our much anticipated revival held on the 15th and 16th did not disappoint. The three themes Rev. Tom Atkins preached of Surrendering All to God, Being Filled with the Holy Spirit, and Healing were preached with fervor, humor, personal experiences of God’s power and intervention, and practical teaching from the Word of God. I was blessed to attend all three services.

I believe that the prayers of our people had a great deal to do with the moving of the Holy Spirit in our services. Many of us, especially the leadership and Prayer Group bathed this event in prayer, asking God to not only intervene in our church and community but to change us, to make us more Christ-like and to fill us with His precious Holy Spirit.

Another crucial factor involving prayer were the 5 nights of prayer led by Pastor Paul. These were led in musical praise and worship with Paul and Sandra and then having times of personal prayer. The questions proposed each night caused us to do some deep probing into our spiritual lives, and if there was sin revealed by the Holy Spirit, to privately confess it and ask for forgiveness. I had never experienced such self examination in so many areas of my life, and God revealed areas where I fell short. I had to make some decisions about “what came next”. Would I change with the help of God so that I could walk more closely with Him? Yes, and with God’s strength and direction, I will. There were also times of praying with each other as the Holy Spirit led.

The second blessing we received last month was meeting (for those of us who had not met him) Mirek Kulec, our partner in ministry from Poland. Mirek shared with us his testimony of salvation which was not your typical “raised in church” type of testimony. God did some miraculous things to turn this 16-year-old teenager into the missionary he is today. His story was so interesting I could have listened to him for another hour. He made it clear that being raised in a Communist country was far different that here in the U.S. But once Mirek realized the love and sacrifice that God made just for him and the events God set up to reveal Himself to him, there was a 180 degree turnaround in his life. At one point, he had a vibrant Bible Study he conducted in one of the prisons to men who had committed heinous crimes. Some will never be released, but those who have are so on fire for God that when they returned to their villages and towns, they set up churches and preached about the awesome forgiveness of God.

I hope you attended both our revival led by Tom Atkins and our Wednesday night service on the 26th where Mirek Kulec shared his testimony. I know one of the services during the revival was taped and is in our Sermon section so you can listen to it.

God bless you and let’s all continue to pray and invite our neighbors and friends to attend services here at Three Point. Their future destiny may depend on it.

Brenda Allen, Web Site Administrator