Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

The Beauty of God

Fall has finally arrived! About time, isn’t it? The trees are slowly turning into their fall colors, there’s a freshness in the air, and the skies are bright blue, except when it’s raining, but we need that too.

Sometimes when I see a particularly beautiful sunset of fuchsias, oranges, and purples or I see a rainbow in the midst of drizzle and sunlight, I just say out loud, “Lord, you do such beautiful work.”

He didn’t have to do that, you know. He could have made a black and white world and if that’s all we’d ever known, we wouldn’t have known what we missed out on.

Could you imagine a world without scarlet cardinals, hummingbirds, and butterflies, a multitude of colored flowers, the tulip and dogwood trees in the spring, the majesty of the mountains? The mist on a morning lake and the grandeur of the eagle in flight? I could go on and on.

God is the Master Artist, always creating new and beautiful things for His children to enjoy. I am so thankful that He loves us so much that He shares His creativity and His heart with me…and you.

“Stop and smell the roses” and the delights He has created just for us!

Brenda Allen, Website Administrator