Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

Do Something About It

If you listen to Christian radio, you might remember a song that came out several years ago, and to be honest, I don’t even know who sang it. But the theme of it really caught my attention.

The guy singing it was noticing homeless, hungry people and the sorry state of the world and he was asking God, “Why don’t you do something about it?” and God’s reply to the singer was, “I did, I created you”.

I really felt uncomfortable after hearing the song the first time I heard it. I thought to myself: What can I do about it? I’m just one person, a senior at that. I don’t have a bunch of money to feed the homeless. I’m not a politician or a famous minister on television. What could I do?

Then I felt the voice of God say: You can do something if you do what I show you to do. So, I started praying more often with more passion. I joined the prayer group. When God nudged me (and believe me, I know His nudge really well after feeling it for many years), I gave more. I’m doing my best to cut back on purchases for myself and give it so children in foreign lands won’t die from drinking polluted water.

You might say: what good is my $5 or $10? Well, if you give your $5 and I give mine and enough people give, it can buy a water well so a whole village of people can drink pure water. And don’t you think those people will question why we did this for them? They sure will and that’s a perfect opportunity to share the good news of Jesus Christ with them. And many, yes MANY come to Christ just because of a glass of clean water.

I guess what I’m trying to share in my stumbling way is that there are hundreds of ways we can help to change the world. Another is by listening. I’ve found many opportunities to share Christ just by listening to the words of others. You just have to stop talking (that’s really hard for a talker like me but it is possible) and really listen, not just to people’s words but to people’s hearts. There is a lot of hopelessness around us. We can offer hope by introducing them to Jesus. They may not come to Him right that moment, but God will work within their hearts and they may come to Him at a later time.

So, perhaps when you get frustrated with the way things are going in the world and you think: God, why don’t you do something about this? Remember: He did. He created you.

Brenda Allen