Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

What? Me Worry?

And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life? Matthew 6:27

Oh, no! Something’s coming. What now??

Doesn’t it always feel like something is causing us worry and concern? Maybe it’s financial or work-related or health-related or something bad or the 3point website is messed up again! And so, we become anxious and our first reaction is to worry or become frustrated.

We focus on all the bad things that could happen, or how things got messed up in the first place. We scheme and plan about how to get out of this situation, often trying to place the blame somewhere else. All this anxiety and worry hangs over our heads like the cloud over Eeyore. It controls our thoughts and sucks joy out of our lives.  

We’ve been trained to worry, all our lives. Our grades in school, who am I gonna marry, what college will I attend, why don’t people like me, who jammed the copy machine – It’s part of our human-ness. But is this how we are to live our lives? Is worry and anxiousness supposed to rule over us and cause us to live in doubt and fear?

The most interesting man in the world may say, “I don’t always worry, but when I do – so does everyone!” But Jesus teaches us that he came so that we’d live free from such things. He assures us that God will take care of us, whether we worry or not. We don’t know what’s coming but our God does. So, instead of focusing on the little things that frustrate us each day, let’s focus on the good and leave the rest to him.

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