Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

The Greatest Gift

Wearily she sat upon the donkey,

Would this journey never end?

Many questions filled her mind

As they headed to the town of Bethlehem

Ever since the angel’s visit,

Her life had been a tangled mess.

Whispers challenging her honor,

Brought confusion and hurtful stress.

But the ones who really mattered

Believed the heavenly angel’s words,

Now her time was growing closer,

She knew her prayers to God were heard.

They reached the gates of Bethlehem,

What is this, they have no room?

Her labor pains were coming closer,

Her baby boy was coming soon!

Joseph said they had a stable,

That’s the best that he could do.

So she lay upon the hay-strewn floor

And soon the baby boy broke through.

Angels filled the skies with singing,

As they spoke to shepherds far,

Fear not, for your prayers are answered,

Christ has come, follow the star.

From the fields they followed meekly,

Till the star stopped o’er the barn,

At the sight, they knelt in wonder,

At the holy babe till morn.

And that is why we celebrate

The birth of Christ, our glorious King,

And give gifts to one another,

But He’s the greatest gift of anything.