Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

Life and Death

I don’t know if you have noticed, as I have, how many deaths we’ve experienced here at Three Point in the last few months. Some are deaths of our members and some are the deaths of our family members or friends. I have used up my box of sympathy cards and need to purchase another. I don’t know if the cards have helped, but I pray that those who have received them have felt loved and remembered in their grief.

Just out of curiosity, I checked and the work “death” is used 372 times in the Bible. Basically, we are born knowing that death is coming for all of us at some time or the other. That could be depressing if we didn’t know what is waiting for us afterwards, that is, for those who have given their hearts and lives to Jesus Christ and accepted Him as our Savior.

I have lost many close to me. Being a “change of life” baby, my mother died when I was almost 35 and my dad at almost 37. But instead of feeling cheated, I was grateful that God allowed me to have them in my life for the time I did. I have also lost 2 brothers, a sister-in-law, and 2 brothers-in-law. My 2 sisters and I are all who are left of my original family.

However, when death visits those around me, it reminds me that our years upon this earth are few, that God is always looking for an opportunity to use us if we are sensitive to His leading. I know that out of fear, that I’ve missed some of them. But as I obey the voice of God, my fear diminishes each time and my joy increases.

In Deuteronomy 30:19, it says: I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live. So God wants us to choose life, and I think perhaps not just physical life, but more importantly, spiritual life.

You know, I really don’t fear death. To me, it’s like closing my eyes on this plain, and opening them on another more beautiful, glorious and eternal plain where I will meet in person the one I have loved all my life: Jesus Christ. It must be beautiful to see the sunrise and sunsets from heaven and music, which I dearly love, sung and played to perfection, and to see those who have gone before like my precious mother and daddy.

Heaven is a promotion, but I pray continually for those who have lost loved ones. That brings tears of deep sorrow. What a sword in the heart that can be. But when I think of heaven where there will be no more “goodbyes”, I can’t help but rejoice.

Post by: Brenda Allen