Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

What Have We Learned?

As almost everyone would agree, the past few months have been the most challenging of our lives. Who would have thought back last Christmas that by March we would all be “sheltering in place” to prevent contracting a deadly virus that was killing not only thousands but hundreds of thousands of people worldwide? Our entire way of life changed drastically. Who could have dreamed that our lives could be in danger if we went grocery shopping or to get our hair cut.

But in the midst of this trauma and racial unrest all over this country, I really felt like the Holy Spirit was probing my heart and urging me to think deeply about what He wanted to teach me as a result of all of this unexpected interruption in my life. When you are quarantined for weeks and live alone, you have a lot of time to think and contemplate what God might want you to learn from this experience.

The first thing is pretty obvious: He wanted me to learn to wait upon Him without grumbling, griping and without questioning, “When will this all end”?

David was anointed king as a teenage boy but didn’t take over the throne until he was a full grown man and had his patience and faith tested over and over again. Jesus lived 30 years pretty much in obscurity until the “fullness of time” had come for him to begin his earthly ministry.

I learned that God wanted to teach me valuable lessons in the waiting. He wanted to mature me, even though I am no longer young. He wanted to develop wisdom and discernment for the next stage of my life, for the next battle I may have to fight.

Another lesson God is teaching me is how to truly be grateful, not only for His provision, but especially for the church family I belong to and its leadership. I don’t know about you, but sometimes when we see people all the time, we have a tendency to forget their value in our lives. But when I was isolated for weeks and then got the opportunity to spend time with them, they took on new meaning and value. I may not be rich in material things, but I am wealthy to be a part of the of Three Point Bible Church family.

There are many other things God has shown me. Could it be that God wants you to sit in His presence and see what He speaks to you concerning His purposes in your life in going through this Corona Virus?

Just a thought.

Brenda Allen