Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

A New Series

This Sunday, I will begin a series on the book of Galatians. Paul begins the letter reminding the Galatians about the Gospel – Jesus sacrificial death to bring us new life. However, he quickly chastises them for quickly adopting other practices and using them as an alternative to God’s grace. In this short letter, Paul reveals that living the Gospel life is not just a “one and done” movement, but a way to live every day. The Gospel is not just the only way into the Christian life but it is a different life we are called to.

The spiritual problem in Galatia was a failing to live in obedience to God and trying to win God’s favor by adding to what God had done for them. Paul tells the Galatians that all they need is the gospel of God’s unmerited favor through the death and resurrection of Jesus. Our faith journey is never about the gospel plus something else. It is about living out the implications of what God has done for us.

How many times have we thought that there is more we need to do to “win” God’s favor? If I read more, pray more, give more, etc… then God will surely love me. Paul encourages them (and us) that we should walk by the Spirit and we will not satisfy the desires of the flesh. Let us stop trying to impress God with our works and what we can do for Him. Let us do great things in response to His unmerited mercy and grace through Jesus that He has given us.