Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

Reading the Old Testament

We have been in a series all summer where we have been in the Old Testament looking at the minor prophets. I want to thank you all for hanging in as we have looked at these books and how they still speak to us today. 

Let’s be honest, for many, simply opening a Bible can be an incredibly intimidating thing, especially if you find yourself in certain sections of the Old Testament. I can’t tell you how many people – myself included, dove in to God’s Word ready to “learn the Bible” only to retreat in confusion and despair after getting stuck in places like Deuteronomy or Leviticus. Frankly, that’s why I believe that you find many Christians who have read the New Testament several times but haven’t made it through the Old Testament even once. Some even say that the Old Testament doesn’t even matter since Christ came. The Greeks have a word for this thinking. It’s called “hogwash!”

It should encourage us to know that the Old Testament was the Bible used by Jesus and the apostles. Both believed it to be perfectly adequate to teach others about Christ and the Kingdom he was bringing. Luke 24 records Jesus giving two disciples a lesson on how they should see the Old Testament. Walking with them to the town of Emmaus, Jesus pulled out his pocket Old Testament and “beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself,” (Luke 24:27).

Think about this. “Moses and all the Prophets” is shorthand for the entirety of the Old Testament. Do you see the statement Jesus makes? He is saying from Genesis to Malachi, all the Old Testament ultimately points to him. Exodus points to him, Deuteronomy points to him, even Leviticus points to him! Far from being the part of the Bible you should skip, the Old Testament, in some form or fashion, progressively moves us down a road that leads to the Person and Work of Jesus.

Im saying all of this to encourage you to dive into God’s Word. Look for Jesus and God’s redemptive message in all of the scripture. I would love to hear your thoughts.