Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

Choose To Obey God’s Word

“Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” James 1:22

Technology seems to be taking over the world. I’m experiencing this first hand as we install a new computer to run our services. I used to be on the cutting edge. However, I feel like I’ve been pushed over the edge when trying to keep up with all the latest stuff.

In Margie’s car, there is a lot of new technology. In fact, the car lets me know when I cross the line, the bright lights come on and dim automatically, and it has a built in navigation system. A lot different than my ’69 Mustang that didn’t even have air conditioning!

In thinking about the GPS navigation, we have a choice to make. We can follow its directions, or we can try and figure it out for ourselves. (Who is that lady telling me where to go anyway?) Even if we veer away from the directions given, the GPS will re-route to show us the best way.

Similar to our cars GPS navigation, God has given us His word as a roadmap for our lives. Psalm 119:105 says, “Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light for my path.” The purpose of knowing God’s word is to apply it to our lives. We have a choice to make every time we read or hear God’s word. Even when we choose to go our own way, God is quick to “re-route” to get us back on track.

The question becomes, do we trust God? Do we believe that He loves and cares for us? Do we really believe that God wants the best for us? If we do, we will not merely listen to the word of God and deceive ourselves, we will do what it says.