Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

Seeing God’s Blessings

Sandra and I were talking about some of the many exciting miracles in the Bible. Wasn’t it amazing when Jesus caused blind eyes to see or demon-possessed people to be made whole? How about the thousands that were fed on a Galilean hillside? Or the woman that was healed by simply touching His robe? We all get excited about what God can do to answer our prayers. 

But what about the “rest of the story?” How many of these people went back to their lives and then experienced times of doubt, frustration, and maybe even a lack of faith? What happened to the woman at the well when Jesus left? What happened to the thousands that were fed but never returned? I would guess just about everyone of them.

You see, we know God’s promise that we will be victors. We know He will never leave or forsake us. We know that He promises that we will experience the height, depth, and breadth of His love and mercy. We know that He is our comfort, our healer, our very life. However, we also are faced with so much in this world, that it becomes easy to become “what have you done for me lately” people.

The problem isn’t with God and His sovereignty, it’s more with our ability to live with an eternal perspective. My prayer is that we will allow ourselves the opportunity to be still and know that He is God. Only then can we see the many blessings He is pouring out each day.