Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

Slow Down, You Move Too Fast…

In Luke 5, it says that Jesus would withdraw to desolate places and pray. Sandra often encourages us to enter our prayer closets to pray. I believe that means that we are to seek to be present with God and not be distracted when it comes to spending time with God.

Why is this so hard? It’s because we are busy. Working, kids, commitments – all call to us in our hectic, multi-tasking, over-committed lives. We are not good at slowing down. In fact, our culture trains us for this madness. And with someone like me with ADD, in my 60″s and needing new glasses, I often find myself trying to juggle everything and getting nowhere.

As a man, Jesus knew his physical limitations. He understood his need to stop, get away, and spend time with God in solitude. Time alone with God gives us much needed refreshment, challenges, and an opportunity to hear from him.

Today’s advice – withdraw to a desolate place and pray.