Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

An Accurate Measure

Have you ever given thought to how we measure things? Looking at our culture, we know where the best schools are, where the best neighborhoods are, what the best professions are, etc…, but are these really good gauges for measuring ourselves? We want the best, the biggest, the newest, I mean, there’s nothing wrong with seeking out these things, but I believe that they don’t really measure a person’s worth as a follower of Jesus.

Often in churches, we measure growth by numbers; the number of attenders, the number of programs, the size of the building, etc…, when we really should be looking at spiritual growth. Are we growing in discipleship? Are we spending more time in study and prayer? Is fruit being displayed in our lives?

In Romans 12:2, Paul is telling us not to be conformed to this world but to be transformed by the renewal of our mind, that by testing we can discern what is the will of God. Jesus says in Mark 4:24, that the measure we use will be used to measure us.

Let’s start on a sure foundation of God’s Word and build from there and our measurements will be true and accurate.