Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

Hope for the Season

This past week was filled with turkey, family, and Black Friday sales. Oh, and family turkeys!

The year is winding down and we’re getting busy making plans and preparations for different events at church and at home. As we enter the second week of Advent, I find myself hoping for different things. A little peace, a little rest, more of God’s presence in all of the craziness of the season. What are you hoping for this season? 

Perhaps like me, you’re feeling overwhelmed and you’re looking for peace in the busyness. Or in all the planning you want to build family time and memories. Perhaps strength to persevere through difficulties, or just waiting for a tough year to be over and an opportunity to start over. 

There are things that seem to be going well while other stuff is spinning close to the edge. I mean, we want things to be different, to go as planned. But… things are not as they should be.

I believe that this is the hope we long for in this advent season. We look around and easily see all that’s not as it ought to be. In our homes, in our lives, in our world, and yet… this is when God intervened and sent Jesus to be a light in the darkness, the hope for the world.

I want to encourage us to step out in faith and surrender our hopes to the Lord this season. And, “may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope” Romans 15:13.