Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

From Failure to Flourish

Have you ever thought of failure as a success? When we usually think of failure, we think of missing the mark – not achieving our goal. I believe that failure can also be part of the journey that leads to the successful completion of that goal.

In our garden, Margie and I haven’t always gotten things right. We’ve underwatered, overwatered, used the wrong containers, planted too close, not close enough, – well, you get the idea. However, even with our many mistakes, God provided wonderful – and sometimes unexpected results.

Paul, the apostle began his journey persecuting Christians that seemed to be turning people away from his Jewish beliefs of God. He was pretty good at his job. So much so, that many were afraid of him. However, on the way to Damascus, Jesus got a hold of him. In an instant, he realized that everything he thought was wrong. 

As he began his new work as a messenger for Jesus, he was met with many detours, detentions, troubles, and trials. Many didn’t even believe it. Through all of these “failures”, the Word of God was sown and produced many new opportunities. The failure led to flourishing. 

Paul even writes in Romans, “We know that for those who love God, all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” God provided growth even when the seeds were not perfectly sown.

Where have you failed and thought there was no hope and yet through that experience God used it to produce something wonderful – and unexpected?