Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

Mountains and Valleys

May and June this year, for me, have been filled with highs and lows. As we were flying out to see our new granddaughter in San Diego, we received the news that Bob Miller, a long-time member had passed away. The joy of Raeya’s birth and Bob’s passing reminded us that life is precious and that God watches over all.

When we returned from San Diego, we headed to Moundville, Alabama so that our son, Philip, could propose to his girlfriend, Liz. It was a great time and filled with many tears of joy. It was during this time that we learned that my cousin’s husband, Bob France, had passed away. Our church has been praying for them while his health was deteriorating.

I say all this because this life is filled with great joy and great sadness. As Christ’s followers we are not promised an easy life, nor or we promised that all of our prayers would be answered the way we want them to. What we are promised is that Christ is with us on the mountains and in the valleys. That He holds us close, and through His Spirit, we can have a peace that the world doesn’t know.

God loves you so much that He sent Jesus to redeem us, reconcile us, to pay for all of our mistakes and sins. I pray that you would feel His presence and see that God is good – even in the storms.