Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

Independence and Dependence Day

Today is the celebration of our independence and freedom as a Nation. Fireworks have been going off in my neighborhood for the last several days – at least I hope they’re fireworks, and our grill is heating up for hamburgers and hot dogs. As we look at the freedoms we share as a country, far deeper and more lasting, however, is the freedom we enjoy as people of God who have been set free by the finished work of Jesus on the cross. Jesus says in John 8:36, “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”

As you enjoy a time of reflection and appreciation for your freedom as an American, I want to encourage you to live in the freedom you enjoy as a child of God. And as people celebrating our independence as a nation, remember our dependence on a God that is mighty and merciful and loves us greatly.