Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

Time Alone

And he said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.” For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat.

Mark 6:31

What do you do to stay in shape? For me, I try to hit the gym every day. I find it interesting that we live in a culture that encourages us to make our bodies strong but often neglects our spirits. 

We typically think of strength as physical, but what if true strength comes from inside—from our soul and its connection to God? When was the last time you worked out to strengthen that part of your being?

Most of us know the stories of Jesus walking on water and feeding thousands. But we easily forget the way Jesus sought solitude to build up His spiritual strength. He served and then withdrew and in those quiet times Jesus took care of His soul by connecting with God and drawing life from Him.

For us today, our culture doesn’t help. Life moves quickly and we often forget to tend to our souls. Just as our bodies send us all kinds of uncomfortable signals when we neglect them, so do our souls. Obsessions, irritations, addictions, broken relationships—without spending time alone with God, these become strongholds that overwhelm us.

I want to encourage you to take time to be alone and make yourself available to God. Connect with Him—and in doing so begin to strengthen your soul.