And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him – a threefold cord is not quickly broken. Ecclesiastes 4:12
Question: Do we really need the church? If so, what exactly is the church? I guess that was really two questions, but they have both been on my mind a lot recently.
When I was little I learned a little hand game that went like this: “Here’s the church and here’s the steeple – open the door – where’re all the people? Here’s the church, here’s the steeple – open the door – look at all the people.”
I learned even at a young age that the church is nothing without people. It’s not the building (Jesus didn’t die for a beautiful building with all of the latest bells and whistles.) Jesus didn’t die for any programs either. What Jesus gave His life for was people – people who need people.
As we get ready to enter into the holidays, you may be surprised to learn that this is often a dark and isolated time for many. Loss of family, depression, and other factors are there even though we try to gloss over them with all of the lights and songs. Instead of gathering with others, many choose isolation instead. Since God has made us as a people in need of community, this isolation can lead to insanity. Our problems grow bigger, we doubt our abilities and the impact that we have on others when we stay away from others.
Some examples in the Bible are:
- Saul going crazy in a cave, convinced that David wanted his throne.
- Jonah sitting under a withered bush getting really sunburnt and begging to die
- Elijah, calling down fire on false prophets, then hiding in fear from a woman
How different would these have turned out if they had had trusted friends, a loving family, a group that would embrace them? That to me is what the church is. It’s a family that loves each other, that prays for each other, the encourages each other.
Do you have close friends that you can be open and honest with? Do you have someone who will hold you accountable and encourage the best for you? The church is a great place to find others who will share your load and walk your walk with you.